The Carassina River (5 Km) originates at the foot of Mount Adula and flows through the entire Carassina Valley before merging into the hydroelectric reservoir downstream. The valley features flat terrain where the river forms pools of water, meanders, and rapid sections, creating a dynamic ecosystem rich in fish. The area is marked by extensive pasturelands and alpine vegetation. It's an ideal place to spend a day immersed in nature, engaging in various forms of fishing. The river is accessible by car via the Luzzone dam, an hour from Bellinzona and an hour and thirty minutes from Lugano. The wide valley offers excellent meadows for camping overnight in a tent.
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Ticino Fishing Guides
E-mail: info@ticinofishingguides.ch
Adress: Strécia dal Ghétt 18, 6822 Arogno (TI-CH)